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[IC84] Eun-Ju Ha, Jin-Young Choi, Min-Ji Son, Jean-Hong Jeon, A-Hyeon Kim, Su-Jin Baek and Jong-Wook Kim, Development of a Gait Measurement System based on a Human-Following Mobile Robot, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp.1908 -1913, Yeosu, Korea, Oct. 20, 2023. |
[DC83] ֿ, ڿ, ̼, , TPU 縦 ̿ Ȱ Ȱ ġ 衱, ѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp.322-324, ִб, June 2, 2023. |
[DC82] , , ֿ, , Ʈ Ź߿ ϱ Ư¡ , ѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp.304-306, ִб, June 2, 2023. |
[DC81] , , , ӳ̵ κ ⱸ , ѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp.307-310, ִб, June 2, 2023. |
[DC80] Jong-Wook Kim, Keynote Lecture: Embedding Moral Reasoning Abilities in Social Care Robot, 2nd International Congress of Industrial Engineering UNAM 2023, Mexico City, April 21, 2023. |
[DC79] ֿ, ڿ, ̼, , TPU 縦 ̿ 3D κ 迡 , ѱǷȸ мȸ, pp.121-124, ߾Ӵб, April 15, 2023. ǥ |
[IC83] Jong-Wook Kim, Inivted Talk: A Care Robot Providing Mental Recovery Services with Ethical Consideration for Older Adults at Home, Annual Conference on Mental Health, March 9, 2023. |
[DC78] , , , , , ̿ տ ƮȦ ýۡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 477-478, ִнâ, Feb. 15-18, 2023. |
[DC77] ֿ, , κ ٶ ⺻ ýۡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 420-421, ִнâ, Feb. 15-18, 2023. |
[DC76] , , ֿ, , ̼, , Ʈ Ƿ ӳ̵ κ , ѱǷȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 343-346, ȭڴб ECC, October 29, 2022. |
[DC75] , , , MediaPipe Pose ̿ м κ ߡ, ѱɽýȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 324-325, ؾб, October 28-29, 2022. |
[DC74] ٷ þ Ĵ , , , ڷ ڸ, , ǻ ý , ѱɽýȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 95-96, ؾб, October 28-29, 2022. |
[IC82] Jong-Wook Kim, Younglim Choi, Sanghyun Jeong, Jeong-Hye Han, Development of Artificial Intelligence Service Robot According to the Korean Ethical Self-Checklist, ICRES, pp. 154-161, Seoul, July 18-19, 2022. |
[DC73] , , , ֿ, , ӳ̵ κ ̿ 3 ڼ ˰ Ȯ м, ѱǻȸ, pp. 71-74, ֻտ, July 14-16, 2022. |
[DC72] ȫȣ, ֿ, , , κ Ȱ üȰ 衱, 2022 ѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 401-402, ǽȣ, June 30-July 02, 2022. ݻ |
[DC71] , , , , յ ν ̿ ChatScript Ƶ ýۡ, Ӻȸ ICTл ȸ, pp. 75-78, ΰб, June 29, 2022. ǥ |
[IC81] Jong-Wook Kim, Young-Lim Choi, 3D Human Pose Recognition Using MediaPipe Pose and uDEAS, ICCT, pp. 1-2, SK Future Hall, Korea University, Seoul, May 26-27, 2022. Best Oral Presentation Award |
[IC80] ֿ, , Designing a Hand-Shaped Controller for Shape Memory Thermoplastic Polyurethane Control, ICCT, pp. 1-3, SK Future Hall, Korea University, Seoul, May 26-27, 2022. |
[DC70] , , , ȣ, MediaPipe Pose ̿ 3 ڼ ˰, ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 112-113, Ѱб, May 13-14, 2022. |
[DC69] , , ̼, , ī ̴ ̿ ü ý ߡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 270-271, ִн â, May 11-13, 2022. |
[DC68] ֿ, , , ΰ ǥ ΰ κ ߡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 201-202, ִн â, May 11-13, 2022. |
[IC79] Hye Yeon Ryu, Jeong Hak Lim, Je Seong Kwon, Jong Wook Kim, Young Lim Choi, Su Jin Baek, A Hyeon Kim, Development of wheelchair robot capable of posture change and autonomous driving, International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-4, CheongJu, Dec. 15-18, 2021. |
[IC78] Seong Yeub Chu, Young Lim Choi, Jeonghye Han, Design and development of the medication service in care robots for the elderly with cognitive impairment, International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-4, CheongJu, Dec. 15-18, 2021. Best Presentation Award |
[IC77] Jin Young Choi, Eun Ju Ha, Jong-Wook Kim, and Jae-Ho Choi, Development of a Human Pose Recognition System based on MediaPipe Pose, an Optimization Method, and a Humanoid Robot Model, International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-5, CheongJu, Dec. 15-18, 2021. |
[IC76] Jong-Wook Kim, Application of TPU Metamaterial to Healthcare Smart Fashion Devices, SFTI, Special Forum IV, Busan, Oct. 30, 2021. |
[IC75] Younglim Choi, Jong-Wook Kim, PTC Heating Cooling System for Controlling SMTPU Metastructure, SFTI, pp. 175-176, Busan, Oct. 30, 2021. |
[IC74] Young-Joo Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, Automatic Feature Acquisition System for Strain Sensors, SFTI, pp. 173-174, Busan, Oct. 30, 2021. |
[DC67] , , , TRT_Pose ̿ 3 ൿ ˰, Ӻȸ ICTл ȸ, pp. 1-2, ¶, June 25, 2021. |
[DC66] , , ֿ, , RGB-D ī ̿ Ŵǽ̼ǡ, ICROS, pp. P00336.1- P00336.2, ҳį, June 23-25, 2021. |
[DC65] ûȣ, , , ö, 迵, , , コɾ AI κ ڿ üũƮ ߿ , ѱκмȸ, pp. 573-574, ִн â, May 19-22, 2021. |
[DC64] ֿ, , ΰ ê κ ߡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 571-572, ִн â, May 19-22, 2021. |
[DC63] , , , ΰ κ С, ѱκмȸ, pp. 569-570, ִн â, May 19-22, 2021. |
[DC62] , , , ߰ ROS κ ߡ, ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 228-231, б, April 23-24, 2021. |
[DC61] ֿ, , ̾-긯 ǥ з ̿Ͽ ΰ ê ijͺ Ȳ ó ߡ, ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 106-109, б, April 23-24, 2021. |
[IC73] Trung-Tin Tran, Joon-Ik Son, Hee-Dong Jang, Seong-Uk Lee, Anh Quang Nguyen Vu, Jong-Wook Kim, Quality monitoring method using machine learning for resistance spot welding, International Conference on Green and Human Information, pp.99-103, Jeju, Korea, 13-15 Jan. 2021. |
[DC60] , , ġ, ֿ, , ȭн ü κ ùķ ߡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 459-460, â, Aug. 17-18, 2020. |
[DC59] ġ, ƮƮƾ, Ȳ, ֿ, , Ȩɾ κ ߡ, ѱκмȸ, pp. 262-263, â, Aug. 17-18, 2020. |
[DC58] , , Seq2Seq Ȱ ä , Ӻȸ ICT л ȸ, pp. 62-64, ¶, July 8, 2020. |
[DC57] , ְ, , , , OpenPose ̿ κ , Ӻȸ ICT л ȸ, pp. 1-4, ¶, July 8, 2020. ǥ |
[DC56] ְ, , ƮƮƾ, , SSD-MobileNet üνİ Depth ī ̿ Ŵǽ Ⱦ÷̽ ࡱ, κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 531-532, , July 2-4, 2020. |
[DC55] Ȳ, ֿ, , ¼ҽ ӿũ Ȩɾ ê MISoTalk ߡ, κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 156-157, , July 2-4, 2020. |
[DC54] 迵, , , ûȣ, ö, , , Ȩコɾ AI κ , κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 154-155, , July 2-4, 2020. |
[DC53] , μ, , ΰ Ŀ Ȱ뿡 , κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 152-153, , July 2-4, 2020. |
[DC52] ֿ, , ϱ κ ൿз ڵ : 2014 Ȱð縦 ̿Ͽ, κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 150-151, , July 2-4, 2020. |
[DC51] ̿, ְ, , , , OpenPose ӳ̵κ ̿ ĺ, κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 148-149, , July 2-4, 2020. |
[DC50] ̽, ġ, Ȳ, ƮƮƾ, ֿ, , Ȩɾ Ϸκ 衱, ѱɽýȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 162-163, λ, Nov. 1-2, 2019. |
[DC49] , , ġ, ƮƮƾ, ֿ, ְ, , ü κ ùķ ߡ, ѱɽýȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 158-159, λ, Nov. 1-2, 2019. |
[IC72] Young Lim Choi, Eun Chang Choi, Dang Van Chien, Tran Trung Tin, and Jong-Wook Kim, Making of South Korean Robot Ethics Charter: Revised Proposition in 2018, International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards, pp. 64-68, London, UK, 29-30 July 2019. |
[IC71] Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Seung-Hyeon Lee, and Jong-Wook Kim, Development of an Indoor Mobile Robot Dealing with Multiple Delivery Requests, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), pp. 522-523, Jeju, Korea, June 24-27, 2019. |
[DC48] ֿ, , ôϾ μ ȯ AI ê 衱, ѱȸѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 73-75, , June 13-15, 2019. |
[DC47] ֿ, 볲, ö, ϰ, , ROS κ ý ùķ̼ Ʈ 뿡 , κýȸ мȸ(ICROS), pp. 269-271, 뱸, May 16-18, 2019. |
[DC46] ֿ, ġ, ƮƮƾ, ڰǼ, , , κ Ģ ̵ Ұ, 14ȸ ѱκмȸ, pp. 1-2, ִн â, Jan. 20-Jan. 23, 2019. |
[DC45] , ڰǼ, ƮƮƾ, ġ, ֿ, , ROS Ƽκ , 2018 ȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 260-261, Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2018. |
[DC44] ڰǼ, , ƮƮƾ, ġ, ֿ, , ǽð ý ߡ, 2018 ȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 262-263, Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2018. |
[IC70] Jae-Won Choi, Tin Tran Trung, Tu Le Huynh Thien, Geon Soo Park, Chien Van Dang, Jong-Wook Kim, A Nutrient Deficiency Prediction Method Using Deep Learning on Development of Tomato Fruits, International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY), pp. 338-341, Daegu, Korea, Nov. 14-17, 2018. |
[IC69] Young Lim Choi, Jae Won Choi, Dang Van Chien, Jong-Wook Kim, Development of AI Counselor using Open source Chatbot Watson and Messenger Applications for Smartphones, International Conference on Innovation Convergence Technology (ICICT2018), pp. 88-90, Vladivostok, Russia, July 17-20, 2018. |
[IC68] Tin Trung Tran, Jae-Won Choi, Chien Van Dang, Geon-Soo Park, Jun Young Baek, and Jong-Wook Kim, Recommender System with Artificial Intelligence for Fitness Assistance System, 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (URAI 2018), pp. 489-492, Hawaii Convention Center, USA, June 26-30, 2018. |
[IC67] Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Jae-Won Choi, Geon-Soo Park, and Jong-Wook Kim, Ontological Situation Understanding Model Based on 5W1H for the Development of Ethical Robots in Home Service, 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (URAI 2018), pp. 1-3, Hawaii Convention Center, USA, June 26-30, 2018. |
[IC66] ֿ, , ڰǼ, ġ, , Development of personal AI Counselor using Open source Chatbot and Soar, The 13th IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology, pp. 275-279, May 24-25, 2018. |
[DC43] , ġ, ֿ, ƮƮƾ, ڰǼ, , , syntaxnet Soar ڿ ظ , 2018 ѱ ɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 165-166, 2018. |
[DC42] ڰǼ, ġ, ֿ, ƮƮƾ, , , , ΰŰ ̿ ó , 2018 ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 208-209, 2018. ǥ |
[DC41] ġ, ƮƮƾ, ֿ, , ڰǼ, , , Ʈ ̿ Ȳ νġ, 2018 ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 167-168, April 19-21, 2018. |
[DC40] , ġ, ƮƮƾ, , ſ, ڰǼ, , Smart Manufacturing 밡 ROS ȷκ ý, 13ȸ ѱκмȸ , pp. 592-593, Jan. 21-24, 2018. |
[DC39] Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Ki-Jong Gil, Yong-Bin Shin, Jae-Won Choi, Geon-soo Park, and Jong-Wook Kim Soar Ʈ ̿ Ģ , 2017 ѱɽýȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 159, Nov. 23-25, 2017. |
[DC38] Yong-Bin Shin, Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Ki-Jong Gil, Jae-Won Choi, Geon-soo Park, and Jong-Wook Kim, ȸ κ , 2017 ѱɽýȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 179, Nov. 23-25, 2017. |
[DC37] Ki-Jong Gil, Yong-Bin Shin, Jae-Won Choi, Geon-soo Park, and Jong-Wook Kim ,ó ̿ Line Tracking ROS κ 2017 Ӻȸ ߰мȸ, pp. 437, Nov. 9-11, 2017. |
[IC65] Tae Hoon Kim, Byung-O Kang, Shin Jun Park, Mi Jin Jeon, Eun Kyu Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, Study on developing a system with IP functionality to monitor the status of containers in maritime logistics, 10th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, pp. 23-26, Dec. 27-28, 2017. |
[IC64] Jae-Won Choi , Chien Van Dang, Yong-Bin Shin and Jong-Wook Kim, Development of Human-Robot Interaction Contents using Soar Agent, 18th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligence System, pp.110, October 11-14, 2017. |
[IC63] Byeong-Hyeon Moon, Jae-Won Choi, Kun-Tak Jung, Dong-Hyun Kim, Hyun-Jeong Song, Ki-Jong Gil, and Jong-Wook Kim, Connecting Motion Control Mobile Robot and VR Content, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, pp. 355-359, June 28-July 1, 2017. |
[IC62] Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Ki-Jong Gil, Yong-Bin Shin, Jae-Won Choi, Geon-Soo Park, and Jong-Wook Kim, Application of Soar Cognitive Agent Based on Utilitarian Ethics Theory for Home Service Robots, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, pp. 155-158, June 28-July 1, 2017. |
[DC36] 赿, ں, , ּ, Ʈ 丮 , ѱȸ мȸ, June 20-23, 2017. |
[IC61] Yong Bin Shin, Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Ki-Jong Gil, Jae-Won Choi, Geon-Soo Park, and Jong-Wook Kim, Reinforcement Learning Chat Algorithm Using ROS-SOAR-RIVERSCRIPT, 12th IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology, pp. 124-126, May 18-19. 2017. |
[IC60] Byeong Hyeon Moon, Kun Tak Jung, Dong Hyun Kim, Hyun Jeong Song, Yong Bin Shin, and Jong-Wook Kim, Connecting VR Contents and Motion Control of a Mobile Robot, 12th IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology, pp. 61, May 18-19. 2017. |
[IC59] Dong Woo Kim, Jun Bum Choi, Ji Su Choi, Yoo Jin Kwon, Ki Jong Gil, and Jong-Wook Kim, A Study on Position Adjustment of Manipulator Using Image Processing and Robot Operating System, 12th IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology, pp. 60, May 18-19, 2017. |
[IC58] Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Yong-Bin Shin, Ki-Jong Gil, Dat Ngo, Bong-Soon Kang, Gi-Dong Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, Application of a Soar-ROS agent on finding the correct object, International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology and Advanced Signal Processing, vol. 143, pp. 151-155, Feb. 9-12, 2017. |
[DC35] ſ, ġ, ƮƮƾ, , , ROS-SOAR ̿ ϴ ȭ Ʈ ˰, ѱȣóýȸ мȸ, pp. 65-66, 12/09-12/10, 2016. |
[DC34] ġ, ƮƮƾ, , ſ, , Ʈ Soar Ŀ ӽſ 롱, ѱȣóýȸ мȸ, pp. 34-35, 12/09-12/10, 2016. |
[IC57] Myung-Ki Seo, Tae-Yong Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, Yong-Jae Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Principal component optimization with mesh adaptive direct search for optimal design of permanent magnet synchronous machine, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, Miami, USA, Nov. 13-16, 2016. |
[IC56] Wonseok Han, Dae-Woo Kim, Jong-Wook Kim, Yong-Jae Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Multi-simplex algorithm applied to FEM based optimal design of electric machine, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, Miami, USA, Nov. 13-16, 2016. |
[IC55] Dae-Woo Kim, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Combination algorithm of fireworks optimization and generating set search for optimal design of IPMSM, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, Miami, USA, Nov. 13-16, 2016. |
[IC54] Byungkwan Son, Dae-Woo Kim, Jong-Wook Kim, Yong-Jae Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Genetic algorithm adopting building block identification applied to optimal design of IPMSM, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, Miami, USA, Nov. 13-16, 2016. |
[IC53] Jin-Hwan Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, Yong-Jae Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Distance based intelligent particle swarm optimization for optimal design of permanent magnet synchronous Machine, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, Miami, USA, Nov. 13-16, 2016. |
[IC52] Chien Van Dang, Tin Trung Tran, Trung Xuan Pham, Ki-Jong Gil, Yong-Bin Shin, and Jong-Wook Kim, Connection of Soar and ROS for intelligent and robotic systems, Int. Conf. on Engineering Mechanics and Automation (ICEMA), pp. 1-4, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 25-26, 2016. |
[IC51] Tin Trung Tran, Chien Van Dang, Joonik Son, Kijong Gil, Youngbin Shin, Tri Minh Ngo, Jong-Wook Kim, A design of real-time monitoring and management system based on embedded platform in manufacturing industry, Int. Conf. on Advanced Technologies in Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering (ICATEC), pp. 45-48, Danang, Vietnam, August 19-20, 2016. |
[DC33] ġ, ƮƮƾ, , Ʈ Űó Soar Ҽ κ 뿡 , ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 145-146, õб, , 04/08-04/09, 2016. |
[DC32] , ġ, , ſ, , ӳ̵ κ ո , ѱκмȸ, MD1-1, ִнũ, â, 01/24-01/27, 2016. |
[IC50] Tin Trung Tran, Gi-Dong Lee, Trung Xuan Pham, Geun-Jun Kim, Jong-Wook Kim, and Bongsoon Kang, Identification of in-home appliances through analysis of current consumption, ACM IMCOM, pp. 4-8, Danang, Vietnam, Jan. 4-6, 2016 (Scopus). |
[IC49] Trung Xuan Pham, Chien Van Dang, Tri Minh Ngo, Ki-Je Sung, Tin Trung Tran, and Jong-Wook Kim, A monitoring system in real time based on android platform, ACM IMCOM, P4-2, Danang, Vietnam, Jan. 4-6, 2016 (Scopus). |
[IC48] Dang Van Chien, Ki Je Sung, Pham Xuan Trung, and Jong-Wook Kim, Emotion expression of humanoid robot by modification of biped walking pattern, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, pp. 741-743, Busan, Korea, 10/13-10/16, 2015. |
[IC47] Dang Van Chien, Ki Je Sung, and Jong-Wook Kim, Sensory reflex control of a humanoid robot using FSR sensor, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 1406-1409, Busan, Korea, 7/7-7/11, 2015. |
[DC31] Ʈ Ʈ ƾ, Ʈ, ɿ Ʈ, , Smart E-Meter ̿ ǰ , ѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 279-283, ѱб, , 6/11-6/13, 2015. |
[IC46] Tran Trung Tin, Sang-In Kim, Shin Kim, Hee-Je Tak, Min-Sik Son, Dong-Min Park, Sang-Yong Jung, Yong-Jae Kim, and Jong-Wook Kim, Development of smart E-meter with android application, International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology (ICGHIT), pp. 350-353, Danang, Vietnam, Feb. 4-6, 2015. |
[IC45] Dang Van Chien, Tran Trung Tin, and Jong-Wook Kim, Posture adaptation of humanoid robot for standing on the inclined floor using inverse kinematics of the projective method, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) 2014, pp. 434-437, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11/12-11/15, Nov. 2014. |
[DC30] Ʈ Ʈ ƾ, , ġ, , ô ΰǴ ȣ ġ ߡ, ȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 1033-1036, Ʈ, â, 7/16-7/18, July, 2014. |
[DC29] ġ, Ʈ Ʈ ƾ, , PSO ̿ ӳ̵ κ ڼ , ѱκмȸ, pp. 37-38, ԵοƮ, 560-562, 6/19-6/21, 2014. |
[IC44] Tae Yong Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Region set search algorithm using Gray code with MADS for BLDC motor design optimization, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, London, UK, Annecy, France, 5/25-5/28, 2014. |
[IC43] Jin Hwan Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Combination algorithm of explorative particle swarm optimization and mesh adaptive direct search for optimal design of PMSM, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), pp. 1, London, UK, Annecy, France, 5/25-5/28, 2014. |
[DC28] ġ, Ʈ Ʈ ƾ, , پ Ư¡ м, ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp. 37-38, 4/18-4/19, 2014. |
[IC42] Gyeong-Jae Park, Dongsu Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, an Sang-Yong Jung, Intelligent simplex method for optimal design of electric machine, International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM), pp. 1-2, London, UK, 3/31-4/1, 2014. |
[DC27] , ڱԿ, , ij ̿ ӳ̵ κ ü νġ, мȸ, ƴб, August, 2013. |
[DC26] ڱԿ, , ֿ, , ӳ̵ κ ȵ̵ ø̼ ߡ, ICROS/KROS/KIIS ο յмȸ, λб, August, 2013. |
[IC41] Dongsu Lee, Cheol-Gyun Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Numerical analysis and design of large scale interior permanent magnet synchronous generator under mechanical stress, Compumag 2013, PD6-11.1-PD6-11.2, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June-4 July, 2013. |
[IC40] Youngmin Kim, Sung-Jun Kwon, Cheol-Gyun Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Research on shape design to reduce torque ripple in IPMSM for high-voltage electric oil pump based on numerical analysis, Compumag 2013, PC3-7.1-PC3-7.2, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June-4 July, 2013. |
[DC25] , ڱԿ, ֿ, , ӳ̵ κ ݻŰ 衱, ICROS 2013, âǼ, May, 2013. |
[DC24] ֿ, ڱԿ, , , ڻ, , ȯ ٷ°ȭ Ʈ Ȱ Ʒ ġ ߡ, ǿý Ʈɾ мȸ, pp. 113-115, Ǵнũ, Feb. 2013. |
[IC39] ֿ, ֳ, , Application of particle swarm optimization to humanoid robot walking, ISIS 2012, pp. 2047-2050, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 2012. |
[IC38] Nak Yoon Choi, Young Lim Choi, Gyu Yung Park, Jae Hun Yun, Jong-Wook Kim, Reflection of humans character into biped walking of the humanoid robot International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) 2012, pp. 140-141, Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 2012. |
[IC37] Jong-Wook Kim, Young Lim Choi, Dongsu Lee, and Sang-Yong Jung, Intelligent MADS with clustering and elastic net and its application to optimal design of interior PM synchronous machines, CEFC2012, pp. 1-4, Ohita, Japan, Nov. 2012. |
[IC36] Jong-Wook Kim, Dongsu Lee, and Sang-Yong Jung, Min-max uDEAS (univariate dynamic encoding algorithm for searches) and its application to optimal design of electric machines, CEFC2012, pp. 1-4, Ohita, Japan, Nov. 2012. |
[IC35] Young-Lim Choi, Nak-Yun Choi, Jae-Yong Seo, Sang-Il Park, and Jong-Wook Kim, Implementation of lower-limb rehabilitation system using attraction motors with a treadmill, ICBEBBE, pp. 990-993, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012. |
[IC34] Dongsu Lee, Seungho Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang-Yong Jung, Randomly guided mesh adaptive direct search algorithm applied for optimal design of electric machines based on FEA, ICEF2012, pp.1-4, Dalian, China, June 2012. |
[DC23] ֳ, ֿ, ڱԿ, , , ǻ ӳ̵ κ , ڡмȸ, pp. 139-141, رб, June 2012. |
[DC22] ֿ, ֳ, ڱԿ, , , VIS ̿ Ʈ , ڡмȸ, pp. 135-137, رб, June 2012. |
[IC33] Jong-Wook Kim, Nak-Yoon Choi, Dongsu Lee, and Sang-Yong Jung, Development of min-max uDEAS and its application to optimal design of interior PM synchronous machines, INTERMAG2012, pp. 1-4, Vancouver, Canada, May 2012. |
[DC21] ֿ, ֳ, ڱԿ, , , ڻ, , ӳ̵ κ ̿ Ȱ Ʒġ θ ӵ , ѱɽýȸ мȸ, pp.241-242, ؾб, April 2012. |
[DC20] ֳ, ֿ, ֹα, , ӳ̵ κ ȵ̵ ȭ ø̼ ߡ, ICROS мȸ, pp. 482-484, COEX, April 2012. |
[DC19] ֿ, ֳ, ֹα, , ڻ, , Assistance wire system ٷ ȭ Ȱ Ʒ ġ ߡ, BMSC2012, pp. 107-109, Gangwondo, Korea, Feb 2012. |
[IC32] ֹα, ֳ, ֿ, , Implementation of the particle swarm optimization on android platform, ISIS2011, pp. 523-525, Suwon, Korea, Sep 2011. |
[IC31] D. Lee, S. Lee, J. Kim, S. Jung, Randomly guided mesh adaptive direct search algorithm applied for optimal design of electric machines based on FEA, COMPUMAG 2011, Sydney, Australia, 2011. |
[DC18] ֹα, ֳ ֿ, , uDEAS ̿ ӳ̵ κ ű ࡱ, 2011 ICROS мȸ, pp. 482-484, , May, 2011. |
[IC30] D. Lee, J. Kim, C. Lee, and S. Jung, Variable mesh adaptive direct search algorithm applied for optimal design of electric machines based on FEA, INTERMAG 2011, pp. CX03-1-CX03-2, Taipei, Taiwan, April, 2011. |
[IC29] J. -H. Kim, M.-S. Kim, M.-G. Choi, J. -W. Kim, Curvilinear path generation of UAR using uDEAS, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp.338-390, Busan, Korea, Dec 2010. |
[IC28] M.-S. Kim, J. -H. Kim, M.-G. Choi, J. -W. Kim, A kinematic model of a humanoid robot using Khalil-Kleinfinger method, International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp.12-14, Busan, Korea, Dec 2010. |
[DC17] ֹα, 踸, ȯ, , ȵ̵ ÷ ̿ uDEAS , ѱɽýȸ 20ֳ ߰мȸ, pp.162-163, , Korea, Oct 2010. |
[DC16] ȯ, 踸, ֹα, , uDEAS ̿ ̵ κ , κýȸ 2010 ICROS мȸ, pp.287-290, õ б, May. 2010. |
[DC15] 踸, ȯ, ֹα, , ο 3 ⱸ ̿ ӳ̵ , κýȸ 2010 ICROS мȸ, pp.539-541, õ б, May. 2010. |
[IC27] 踸, ȯ, , A performance improvement of uDEAS using embedded platform and implementation of heater system, Ӻȸ 2010 Ӻ м (ISET, 5/13-5/14), pp. 41, 뱸 ȣ, 5/14, 2010. |
[DC14] 踸, ȯ, ֹα, , uDEAS ̿ ý IMC-PID ڵ 衱, ѱɽýȸ 2010 мȸ, pp.144-147, 泲 泲б, 4/3, 2010. |
[DC13] ȯ, , 踸, , , SIFT ˰ Particle ̿ ̵ κ ġ ", ѱɽýȸ 2009 ߰мȸ, pp.104-107, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2009. |
[DC12] 踸, , ȯ, , , "uDEAS ̿ ͽý PID ڵ ", ڰȸѱȸκýȸ λꡤ泲 2009 ߰ յ мǥȸ, pp.83-86, λ, Korea, Dec. 2009. |
[IC26] E. Kim, M. Kim, J. Kim, J. Shin, J. Park, J. -W. Kim, "Design of incremental fuzzy PID controllers", International Conference on Mechatronics and Technology 2009 (ICMT2009), pp.04a-04, Cebu, Philippine, Oct. 2009. |
[DC11] ȯ, , , , " ̿ ̵ κ Visual SLAM ", 2009 ѱڵмȸ(KACC09), pp. 941-944, λ, Korea, Sep. 2009. |
[DC10] 踸, , , , "Haptic Interface ̿ ӳ̵ Ʈѷ ", 2009 ѱڵмȸ(KACC09), pp. 937-940, λ, Korea, Sep. 2009. |
[IC25] E. Kim, J. Kim, J. -W. Kim, "Generation of optimal trajectories for ascending and descending a stair of a humanoid based on uDEAS", 2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Fuzz-IEEE2009) , pp.660-665, Jeju, Korea, Aug. 2009. |
[IC24] M. Kim, J. Kim, E. Kim, J. Shin, J. -W Kim, "A new trajectory generation scheme for direction turning during biped walking", 10th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS 2009), pp.295-298, Busan, Korea, Aug. 2009. |
[IC23] J. Kim, E. Kim, J. Shin, J. -W. Kim, "Adaptive search order rule for univariate dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (uDEAS)", 10th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS 2009), pp.86-88, Busan, Korea, Aug. 2009. |
[IC22] J. -W. Kim, "Plenary talk: an overview on a fast global optimization method: dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (DEAS)", 10th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS 2009), pp. 3, Busan, Korea, Aug. 2009. |
[IC21] E. Kim, M. Kim, J. -W. Kim, "Optimal trajectory generation for walking up and down a staircase of a biped robot using genetic algorithm (GA)", FIRA2009, LNCS 5744, pp.103-111, Incheon, Korea, Aug. 2009. |
[DC9] , ȯ, , "GPU ó ̿ PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) ˰ ", мȸ(Conference on Information and Control Systems 2008), pp.181-182, , Korea, Nov. 2008. |
[IC20] T. Kim, E. Kim, J. -W. Kim, "Development of a humanoid walking command system using a wireless haptic controller", International Conference on Control, Automation and System 2008 (ICCAS2008), pp.1178-1183, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2008. |
[IC19] E. Kim, T. Kim, J -W. Kim, "Optimal trajectory generation for walking up a staircase of a biped robot using genetic algorithm (GA)", 39th International Symposium on Robotics 2008 (ISR2008), pp.713-717, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2008. |
[IC18] T. Kim, E. Kim, J. -W. Kim, "Hardware implementation of the fast optimization method eDEAS", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA08), pp.264-268 , Beijing, China, Oct. 2008. |
[DC8] , ±, , ˰ ̿ κ ࡱ, ڰȸ ϰмȸ, 31, 1ȣ, 1059-1060, â, Korea, June 2008. |
[IC17] Hochang Jung, Cheol-Gyun Lee, Jong-Wook Kim, Sung-Chin Hahn, Sang-Yong Jung, "Optimal design of direct-driven PM wind generator using dynamic encoding algorithm for searches(DEAS), 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, pp. 164, Athens, Greece, May. 2008. |
[DC7] ±, , , ȭ mDEAS 롱, ѱȸ ϰмȸ, VI-06-01- VI-06-06, λ, Korea, May 2008. |
[DC6] ±, , , ȭ eDEAS ϵ , ѱȸ ϰмȸ, II-01-1- II-01-6, λ, Korea, May 2008. |
[DC5] ±, , ˰ ̿ κ , ICROS û мȸ, pp.187-191, Dec. 2007. |
[IC16] T. Kim and J. -W. Kim, Generation of initial stepping pattern of a biped robot with modular dynamic encoding algorithm for searches," International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology, vol. 6794, pp.67942D-1 - 67942D-6, Gifu, Japan, Dec. 2007. |
[IC15] T. Kim and J. -W. Kim, "Planning walking patterns of a biped robot with uDEAS optimization," International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 2693-2698, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2007. |
[DC4] ±, , 3 νı 尩 HCI ġ ߡ, ڰȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 529-530, BEXCO, Korea, July 2007. |
[DC3] , Ÿƽ Ž DEAS Ȳ, ѱȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 336-342, , Korea, June 2007. |
[IC14] J. -W. Kim, On the global convergence of univariate-dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (uDEAS)," SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, pp. 5776-5781, Busan, Korea, Oct. 2006. |
[DC2] , , , DEAS ̿ б ھ , ȸ ϰмȸ, pp. 917-920, â, Korea, July 2005. |
[IC13] S. -C. Choi, N. G. Kim, J. -W. Kim, and S. W. Kim, Improvement of dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (DEAS) using hopping unidirectional search (HUDS), International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, pp. 324-329, KINTEX, Korea, June 2005. |
[IC12] Y. Park, Y. Lee, J. -W. Kim, and S. W. Kim, Parameter optimization for SVM using dynamic encoding algorithm, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, pp. 2542-2547, KINTEX, Korea, June 2005. |
[IC11] N. G. Kim, J. -W. Kim, and S. W. Kim, "A study for global optimization using dynamic encoding algorithm for searches", International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 857-862, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2004. |
[IC10] J. -W. Kim, N. G. Kim, and S. W. Kim, On-load parameter identification of an induction motor using univariate dynamic encoding algorithm for searches, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 852-856, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2004. |
[IC9] Jong-Wook Kim, Su Jin Kim, and Sang Woo Kim, Parameter identification of induction motors using dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (DEAS), IECON, pp. 150-155, Roanoke, VA, November 2003. |
[IC8] Jong-Wook Kim and Sang Woo Kim, Gain tuning of PID controllers with the dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (DEAS) based on the constrained optimization technique, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 871-876, Gyeongju, Korea, October 2003. |
[IC7] Tae Joon Park, Jong-Wook Kim, and Sang Woo Kim, Parameter identification of induction motors using continuous-time prediction error method, IASTED International Conference Intelligent Systems and Control, pp. 200-205, Salzburg, Austria, June 2003. |
[IC6] Jong-Wook Kim and Sang Woo Kim, A novel parametric identification method using a dynamic encoding algorithm for searches (DEAS), International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 406-411, Muju, Korea, October 2002. |
[IC5] Jong-Wook Kim, ByungKoo Park, Sang Woo Kim, PooGyeon Park, and Tae Joon Park, The fault diagnosis of a transformer using transfer function method, International Conference on Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 1877-1884, Jeju island, Korea, July 2002. |
[IC4] Jong-Wook Kim, Sang Woo Kim, PooGyeon Park, and Tae Joon Park, On the similarities between binary-coded GA and real-coded GA in wide search space, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 1, pp. 681-686, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2002. |
[IC3] ByungKoo Park, Jong-Wook Kim, Sang Woo Kim, PooGyeon Park, and Tae Joon Park, The fault diagnosis of a transformer using neural network and transfer function, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 2758-2761, Jeju Island, Korea, October 2001. |
[IC2] Jong-Wook Kim and Sang Woo Kim, A new approach to system identification using hybrid genetic algorithm, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 887-890, Jeju Island, Korea, October 2001. |
[IC1] Jong-Wook Kim, Sang Woo Kim, and Tae Joon Park, Design of fuzzy controllers for a gas turbine plant, IASTED International Conference Control and Applications, pp. 166-171, Calgary, Canada, June 2001. |
[DC1] Jong-Wook Kim and Sang Woo Kim, Design of evolutionary fuzzy-PI controller for a gas turbine system, KACC, vol. B, pp. 257-260, Korea, October 1999. |